September 7, 2012.

Cold and rainy night at work
 A night to myself with a candle lit, a good book and a bubble bath was ideal this evening. 
I've really been craving "me time" lately. I've loved any opportunity I can get to just be alone, to sit in solitude. I've done better at saying no to things. It's kind of strange, but I've been realizing lately how much I agree to doing a lot of things that I genuinely really don't even want to do. My good friends continue to remind me: "Abbie, do what YOU want to do". 

So here's my declaration: I'm going to start saying no more, even if it may piss people off. I'm going to start making more time for myself and surrounding myself with people who genuinely want to build me up and help me to become who I want to be.

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