October 24, 2012.

Bacon and eggs with a side of Australian love for breakfast this morning. I didn't quite realize how much I miss this beautiful cousin of mine untill my very brief skype date we got to fit in. 
        I know you mentioned that you stalk my blog to keep updated with my life lately. So, I wanted to dedicate a little post to you. Selfishly, we all want you back here in the states with us. I was reminded this morning of how big of an impact you have on my life and all of the lives around you. I miss your constant optimism and encouragment in my life, but I suppose I can share you with others :) I want you to know that I'm so stinkin proud of what you're doing and your willingness to let God mold you into the amazing, Godly woman that you are. You are a true example of what it looks like to step outside of your comfort zone, and allow God to use you in ways that you don't even know. I can't wait to hear more about this once in a lifetime experience you're having! (And I can't wait to have my thrift-store-shopping-partner -in-crime back!) 
       Just remember, yes- life is still happening here in cold, lame Michigan... but you are constantly thought of and prayed for. We're going to have our whole lives to have cousin dinners, birthday parties and craft nights... but for now, embrace every second of where you are. You have so much love to give, keep shining that light girl. 

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