June 26, 2012.

We hit a new record today folks. 9 minutes and 13 seconds all the way around the neighborhood. Stipulations include: 
- Must say "what up dawg"? to every neighborhood pup we see
- Must grab at least 5 leaves off of the trees
- Must get off at the end of the first road and spin around 5 times
- Must say "lovely house you have" to our favorite house at the end of the culdesac with the inviting hammock in the front yard and beautiful wrap around porch 

Finally had the chance to see Kels tonight. Rocky's ice cream was eaten, a long walk and talk down the trail was had, and then we encountered our cute little fishing friends at the dam...
Made a new friend... he's a karate pro, taught us a few moves. Quote of the night: "so awik, you have cwabs?"

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