what. a. show.

I officially added a new band to my repetoire last night.

Stetson and Cia, of the group Songs of the Fall, blew me away.

So I thought I'd share with you a little snippet of the beauty that my ears experienced :) 

Naturally, I got home and stalked them a bit online. Not only are they incredible performers, but they clearly have a heart for who they are singing to:

"People have asked, why the name 'Songs of the Fall'? The way we see it, the story of mankind is all about falling- From the original fall of man, the tottering steps we take as a child, to growing up and falling in love, into temptations, and in and out of luck. Life is about the fall and how we keep learning and growing, and those are the things worth singing about".

Check them out. If you have good taste in music, you'll like em. 

And of course... THE David Crowder never ceases to amaze me. As if his music isn't good enough, he kept bringing up that he felt like he was "performing on a front porch with friends"... if you know anything about me, you'll know that he was pulling on my heart strings there. Porches, candle lit ambiance and folky worship music. A little taste of heaven for this girl. 

I can't remember if it was before or after Trav talked to Crowder on the phone in the middle of the concert ( long story..), but then he decided to do a little crowd surfing... 

Moral of the story here: 

If you don't listen to David Crowder, give him a try. 
And if you ever get the chance to see him in concert, don't be a dummie. Buy a ticket and go.

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